Sunday, March 27, 2011

Wales vs England

Blergh. Bo-ring game. Easy goals in the first 20 mins, the rest was forgettable. Watched it at a mamak and found my roti pisang more interesting than the plasma screen.
It has been a super hot weekend, this week. A lot of news, too. Both my cousin and my best friend from high school gave birth on Friday, one to a baby girl and the other a baby boy. Congrats to the new mums! =)
Then there's the inevitable question every time I go visit someone's newborn nowadays. "U bila lagi?"
-__- Seriously, how do you answer that?? Say "Oh soon" and you'd be lying. Say "Oh see lah how. Not rushing or anything" and they would think you're lying. Either way you can never answer them correctly. Geez..
Oh, mum and sis are back from Belgium! Wee! The fridge is now overflowing with Laduree macarons, Belgian truffles, waffles, sundried tomatoes, jams, and erm, a huge bottle of maple syrup. =p

I am so going to gain 100kg by end of this month.

Someone said this to me, "I've never seen you without your mouth moving munching something." Thanks -__- It's not my fault that I love eating!
I made brownies again yesterday. My colleague asked me to bring it to futsal last night, but I barely had time to take it out of the oven before rushing off to Sports Planet, so yeah, sorry Kerol. Next time will bring it to office.
Speaking of futsal, I stubbed my big toe on the court surface last night! OUCH!! By 10pm it was all swollen, so I got home and put ice and then wrapped it.
Apparently you're not supposed to wrap a swollen body part. It makes it worse. This morning I woke up with a big toe resembling Big Bird's whole foot.
Lesson learnt. Next time don't run at futsal, just walk.
Okay I sound super bimbotic there. Kidding heh. Next time I'll throw away all the tissues, gauze, plasters, cloth etc.
Just in case I forget and decide to mummify myself again.


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