Tuesday, April 26, 2011

The Best 2 Weeks of My Life

...Okay I'm kidding. It wasn't the best 2 weeks of my life, but it was quite memorable.

Started off the week with this.
The bracelet I wore everyday for 2 weeks
You know how he sounded on radio? In real life, he was 20000x better. I'm not exaggerating. He is THAT awesome. =D

Then came the isolation.

Except that Carey Island is nothing like an island. It's a piece of godforsaken land in the middle of nowhere, and where mosquitoes and crickets are King.

I arrived, and became depressed immediately.

Heh. Okay that was honestly how I felt the first day. But as the week went by, I found myself enjoying the sessions. The games, the tea breaks, the teams, the facilitators, they were all awesome. By the end of the 2 weeks, I was actually..sad.

Yes, I was sad. We had so much fun, playing futsal in the evening..card games at midnite..doll-hunting for 2 frickin' hours..karaoke-ing..haha it doesn't sound like training at all does it? =p

Our not-so-pretty she-male in sari. Hahah

Oh well. Holiday's over.

What better way to celebrate being back to office than running a marathon? =p Yeah, the day after Carey Island holiday ended, I ran 10km for our Group Games. Since when I became so active also I don't know. -__-

3rd babeehhh!!! =D =D
I still can't feel my legs now.


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